Babies on Ice II
17months 23 days
Another great day in the world of Mummy and Moo. We went out to tea and toast first thing, she was playing very happily today. I had to pop out to the dentist and she was perfectly content to stay with the mummies and her friends whilst I went. She was having a cuddle when I got back and gave me the biggest grins. She was extra pleased as Jack and his mummy came, which they dont often do for tea and toast, so she was very chuffed.
We got some lunch on the way home and headed off for skating. She fell asleep (as I expected) and I'd allowed enough time to let her sleep before their class. We wandered round the shops whilst she slept. She woke up excited to see her Ava.
Both girls were really pleased to be back on the ice after a few weeks and were smiling away as they went round on their skates. I was taking some photos, so Aunty Becky took Katie round and said she was really well balanced, and she gave me some big grins too! Ava was in her element zooming round with her daddy. They soon put shoes back on - Katie was asking to push Ava in the little car - and they were both charging round with the balls, hockey sticks and toys. It was so lovely to see them so pleased to be back, so many smiles this afternoon.
After we went skating, we stopped in for a play with Jack and our friend Tatiana and her mummy were there too. We stopped just for an hour before coming home for tea.
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