must try harder

By halfcj

Didn't arrive on time!!!

Those of you following would have realised it was my Joe's 18th yesterday.

We had a good time, went out for a meal last night....had a drink!! Popz skyped, desperate she had missed his 18th. They chinked glasses over the internet...well, can/bottle actually! It was a sign of the times! (oooh, little pun there!)

The only downer to the day was that our present to him didn't arrive on time! Ordered way in'd have thought they'd have delivered on time! (another pun! - albeit not deliberate! - but now I'm going to see how many times I can mention 'time' to see if it features on my stats!).

When we asked him what he wanted, we fully expected some new piece of technology, iPad?, Sony Viao?, latest x-box?, iPhone?, something that would make his mates say "cool" (and inevitably others "I got one of those too"), but no, he opted for old technology. Something that will stand the test of time. How mature....when there is so much modern technology he doesn't have.

It did, however, arrive today. I guess it was only a day late, but when it's your 18th, it's a bit raw! We had told them what it was for...."don't be late!" we pleaded. "No worries, it'll arrive on time!" they assured. Kind of a let down when you have to tell your boy on their day that their present will arrive....some time, not being able to guarantee when. So when it did arrive, I thought it could be my blip for the day. Something for him to remember his 18th by....hopefully for the rest of time, his...and his children's and his children's children's.....time that is.

He didn't seem to mind. if he was upset, he didn't show it. It was me who's nose was out of joint, on two counts really. The fact it didn't arrive for one, but given the occasion, not going to rock the boat or spoil the day. The second count was more personal. I'm the one reaching retirement, wasn't I supposed to be the first one to get a gold watch!??

Guess I'll have to bide my time.

Best Large!

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