just things

By faeriesigh

Where to go?

That's what I asked my youngest girlie today. The woods or the beach? I really wanted to go to the woods and was a bit miffed when she insisted on going to the beach. Seeing as I'd said she could choose today though, the beach was were we ended up.

However, it turned out to be a really good decision on her part as we got a real treat! After seeing a seal or rather it's head bobbing in the sea and swearing under my breathe at not being able to photo it before it disappeared, we wandered down the beach a bit further and after the 3 rock line (sea defences) I pulled up short, grabbed the hound and put her back on the lead and then me & my youngest stood just staring! There were seals everywhere, all near the shoreline! I've lived here a long time and go to this beach with & without the girls and in all seasons and I have never seen this before! It was a fantastic sight to see and naturally, I took quite a few photo's - choosing just one to blip was hard but the rest can be seen here

It totally made out day and my youngest, a big lover of animals, was absolutely overjoyed at seeing them. In fact, according to her "it was the best beach visit ever". I can't say that I disagree :)

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