Peppered Watch History...

Short version...
YYYYaaaayyyyyy, managed to fix my watch....

Long version...
I got this watch for my 21st birthday. It's been through a couple of battery changes, a couple of strap changes including the one it has just now that I fashioned out of old skateboards.

A couple of years ago, a bit of the button came away meaning I couldn't easily change the time and date. I decided to get an Edinburgh watchmaker to fix it. They actually took months and months to get it back to me. When they did eventually return it, it worked for a wee bit but the button came away from the casing. It could sit in the casing quite comfortably but wasn't connected inside to the mechanism and so I couldn't change the time. From there it became my summer time watch as it was set to british summertime and was an hour out during the winter.

Eventually, I lost the button and so it's sat for about a year without the button and at the wrong time. I decided it was time to send it to the manufacturers, Accurist, who replaced the button and sent it back. I got it back yesterday but lo and behold, the button came loose again. I decided I might as well intervene.

I actually got the mechanism out quite easily and put the button back in but, a pretty big but, the button actually slotted in correctly and wouldn't come out. The mechanism can't get back into the case while the button is on. I did manage to take one of the panels off in a quest to release the button and saw the ridiculously small cogs inside but couldn't venture any further and they were too small for me to mess about with. Put it back together when I found that wee hole that you might just be able to make out that has the word push beside it. It's actually a release mechanism for the button. Came right out easy.

Luckily, it all went back together and I was able to lock the button in correctly as well. Well chuffed, got my old watch back working.

For perspective, the button in the bottom right of the picture is about 1.5 mm across. The cogs inside were a fraction of that.

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