...among other things!


Fried Bubbles

Yes fried bubbles!

Had a bit of a veggie fry up for dinner, I say a bit I mean A LOT! I am stuffed!

As you can see I made a right flop of my eggs, normally I make Naomi's eggs perfect then wreck mine but I still managed to wreck mine even though she's not here today!! Don't know what's wrong with me, I need some kind of egg cooking instruction book, I believe normal people call them cook books. Think I'm going slightly insane without Naomi for a few days!! Hmmm...

If you've not checked them out yet, here's all the ponces from the last few days: Ponces. My Retroponce is hidden near the bottom somewhere. Been loving the Blips from today's Edinburgh Blipmob.

PONCE ON Blippers...

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