Lynn's Photo Fun

By nuttymartini


Unbelievable We ate lunch at Oak Island golf course, sitting outside, feeling real good and laughing. I looked up and saw an amazing sight***** a SUNDOG *********
I snapped that shot and other people came out to see it. A ring, like a rainbow, around the sun. I have seen only one other in my life.

Sundogs are red-colored at the side nearest the sun. Farther out the colors grade through oranges to blue. However, the colors overlap considerably and so are muted, never pure or saturated. The colors of the sundog finally merge into the white of the parhelic circle. A parhelic circle is a halo.
They are visible all over the world and at any time of year regardless of the ground level temperature. In Europe and North America one will be seen on average twice a week if searched for.

It felt real special.

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