Barbara Hitchings

By Spannygranny

Fully open

Day 3. The lily is now fully open and it looks lovely.

Men.. Roy had an appointment at the hospital this morning for an xray, I kept asking "what time is your appoinment" "1 pm" was the reply, but I had a niggling doubt that was wrong, I asked him to check his appointment time and he should have been at the hospital at 10am, it was now 11.30am. Dashed to the hospital, arrived at midday, apologised for late arrival, checked in, xrayed and was out of the hospital by 12.20, and thats the Spanish National Health. results will be sent to the Drs in the next 10 days. In future I will get him to put his Drs and hospital appointment times on the calendar in the kitchen, that way I can keep an eye on when and where he should be.

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