Suzy's Scenes

By suzyscenes

Daffodil Drops

I wonder if this rain is every going to stop. We have had so much of it in the last few days. I was just reading that our average rainfall here is 64.43 inches a year. I would bet we will have more than that for this years count.

I have been having such a struggle with my weight loss in the last few months. I have gained and lost the same pound at least 6 times. I don't know if my TSH (thyroid) level fluctuations are causing this or not, but I am tired of it. Every week, when I weigh-in at Weight Watchers, the other people keep losing and losing, but I'm just going up and down. Getting older isn't helping either. I go in again next week for more thyroid tests; I sure hope they can figure out what is going on.

I thought this flower gave a bright spot on a rainy day. I hope you have a great night.

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