Shelob baby...
... I have a love hate relationship with spiders.
A fascination I suppose.
In symbolism they are said to represent The Great Mother.
(If you dream of a spider perhaps the dream is about your relationship with your Mum..? Hmm.)
This little one is quite camera-shy and has played peep-po with me for a couple of days.
He's almost invisible to the naked eye, and is really well camouflaged. I haven't identified him. (I'm hopeless impatient when it comes to research!
Anyway. I'm still waiting for my 'order today - receive tomorrow' CD, which hasn't arrived :-( so my little project is on hold.
However, the red wine forecast is excellent. As is the chips one! (I've been chipless for almost a fortnight now. Withdrawal symptoms and confusion abound!)
Happy Friday one and all!.
(It IS Friday isn't it?!)
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