Rich's journey...

By Pangur

Supply & demand

Like cyclops, I regularly drive past local landmarks and take them for granted.

I chose today not to photograph the 'highly regarded' or the 'much photographed'. But, inspired by Cyclops' recent blips, I decided to photograph something I drive past nealry everyday.

This photo is not so much of a landmark, more a feature of the countryside, and they're certainly not things of beauty or feats of engineering (though I suppose they were, in a way, in their day). The countryside round here is what you'd describe as rolling - not so much hills and dales, but huge swathes of agricultural land - the juxtaposition of reliance is what struck me. The need for food from the land and the perceived need for electricity supplies - we rely on both and couldn't, now, manage without either.

I can't decide (having grown up with them all around) whether they're what you might describe as a "blot on the landscape" or just a part of life - perhaps a question that can be answered by people who have had industrial (wind turbines etc.) constructions built within their locality and had their view 'spoilt'.

By-the-by, it's blowing a gale here (nearly got blown over taking this picture), and the sound of the wind humming (a very low pitched 'whistle' I guess you'd call it) through the wires was like nothing i've heard before.

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