Deeside Diaries

By LadyP

Old Crow...

I have seen this crow around for some time now. He always sits on this lamp post of an evening & hoiks up his pellets. Lovely...

Anyway, I know it is the same one because he has a deformed beak. I'm surprised he (I assume, it might be a lady but she would be nest sitting right now I suspect) has survived with only half of the top of his beak but I must say, the bottom one makes fr a lethal weapon.

Last summer I watched a Crow chase down, catch & dismember a fledgling Starling, while I was waiting for a bus. The whole family of Starlings was chasing the Crow, trying to drive it off but it had cut one from the group and was determined. Poor Starling chick was exhausted by the time it was caught. Never seen that before and I hope not to again - not a good breakfast image.

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