just allan

By allan

Herber Mooth

Lots going on at the entrance to Victoria Harbour, Dunbar. The tide was very low again today (this must be some seasonal thing I am unaware of - neep tide? spring tide? I dunno) and I walked further out past Doo Rock than I remember doing before. So, I thought I'd blip some birds - the kittiwakes are very obvious but nestled alongside them are a few pairs of fulmars. Lovely birds, small albatrosses really, I'll do them another day. Looking back to the 'herber mooth' as I left, I caught this scene which takes the Blip for today.

I spent the day DIY-ing (yesterday I got so sick of hoovering the stairs that I ripped the carpet off and bought some paint) and hanging washing out to get rained on. Towards the end of the day it cleared up and I popped along to Dunbar for a few things - including 3 gro-bags. I can now tell you scientifically that the limit for a bike trailer is 3 gro-bags! Got home safe with a bit of a wobble.

BTW, The Herber Mooths (translation : The Harbour Mouths) are a local Dunbar folk group. I did a quick Google for Herber Mooth and got the best Answers.com answer I've seen:

Q. What is a silk mooth?

A. It's a typo.


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