
By monochrome

Ready, steady, GO!!

I had the day off work today to help mrs monochrome look after the wee man. With less than a week to the due date, it's getting hard for her to run after an increasingly active toddler.

So, it was an early start for me - getting the wee man up and fed, then off to the swimming pool. Then it was off to John Lewis with Mrs M in tow to pick up some stuff she had ordered, where we also gave the wee man his lunch. He fell asleep in the car on the way home and stayed sleeping after being transferred to his cot.

After Aidan woke up (around 3pm) and had his snack, we took him to Vogrie Country Park to let him run wild. He loved running around the play-park, although he was a bit too small for most of the stuff there. He did enjoy going down the slide though, and worked up the confidence to slide down himself without holding on to my hands. I'd cue him in by saying 'ready, steady, GO!' and he'd shuffle forwards and slide down. Despite it being quite a steep incline at the top, he also managed to stay sitting upright right down to the bottom.

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