Andy's Photo Journal

By andmoff

Pearl and one puppet

Went through to Edinburgh to see Kassidy with some friends at Liquid Rooms. First on was some guy whose name escapes me and he was quite good, Next on was Pearl and the Puppets, well actually only one puppet. Damn fine she was too, very nice stuff. Then we were onto Kassidy, the four of them did most of the set just playing four acoustics, but what a sound, a session (I presume) drummer and bassist appeared a few songs in to fill out the sound. They have a really good stage presence and by the throngs of girls down the front staring adoringly at the lead singer a bit of a following (in fairness he did do the handsome lead singer thing very well). Think I'll be going to see them again.

Usual last train home shenanigans; old Welsh boy going home after launching his sons yacht, a girl that didn't want a boyfriend that only spent money on her; she wanted a bonfire on a beach and a bottle of wine (fair enough) and three drunk Mum's that fed me chips and spare rib sauce and chicken balls. All in all a good evening!

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