Displacement activities

By Detritus

Damp damp damp

Spent the morning ripping out the floor and walls of our shower room, as they'd become saturated due to a long-standing leak, and everything had rotted behind the tiles. Dehumidifier in place to dry it all out, and then I'll have to build a new room. Great.

On the positive side there was something therapeutic about using brute force to pull the room apart, showing my super-human strength to everyone else. Forgot to mention that I could only do that because everything had rotted.

Lil now much better, took her for a long walk where I spied this drain on the side of a Boulton & Paul barn. the gutters feed to this drain which just ends like this... There is a lower pipe for it to feed into, but it's nowhere near. Not in a photography mood, although the light is good outside I just couldn't translate that into an image that I liked.

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