I could have chosen a few nice shots from todays catalogue to share but as miracles don't come along that often I thought this must be shared with those who know about these things. I was browsing through the bookshelves at the Harlow Carr shop this afternoon, always an enjoyable endeavour, when turning around the last stack of literary gems on display I encountered my dear wife with a book, yes a book, not HELLO, not OK, not Harpers, an actual book, on top of that she was sitting in the cookery section so as you can imagine I ran amuck in fantasy of the feast she was going to prepare on our return home. Alas miracles are few and far between, the book was about the Queen, she was only looking at the pictures and she had already secured a tin of beans at the local CoOp to tempt my taste buds.
Don't ever be fooled by what you see, the light that emitted from the pages of the book were not a sign from the lord, my prayers again stay unanswered
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