
By monochrome

The Link Bridge

Went out for a wee wander at lunch time round the uni campus. Was quite a nice day, barring the cold (which wasn't that bad, really). This is the link bridge, which connects the main campus to the halls of residence - all within staggering distance of the union (although I did manage to get lost a few times in the past after last orders).
For those who don't know - the University of Stirling is situated on a campus just outside Stirling, in plain sight of the Wallace monument. In the middle of the grounds is the main-made Airthrey Loch, which isn't actually that deep, but which attracts quite a lot of wildlife nonetheless. It also makes the campus that little bit more picturesque.
The building visible at the end of the bridge is Murray Hall, which is the halls I stayed in in first year.

For today's blip, I was torn between the pic above and this one. I liked the ripples in the latter, however I felt that the bridge pic had more character.

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