Club 107

By club107

polyptych ebauche #2

I'd love to say that it was a brilliant start of the day but my definition of brilliant doesn't really equate to a miserable coughing wee boy preventing me from sleeping. But such is life and I no doubt did the same with my parents.

#1son is in a vicious cricle where he is struggling between a need to be upright at all times to assist breathing, a lack of hunger due to illness and high level of fatigue due to a combination of the previous two things.

It was a nice day if a tad cool to begin with. So today was kind of weird I managed to put about 10000 holes in the lawn, it is not a huge lawn but needed much oxygen, much like #1son.

Oh and I did a good deed, which again puts stuff into some perspective, actually helping someone so much in need of help, virtually unable to communicate, made me feel how damn lucky I am.


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