A Rose By Any Other Name

By arosebyanyother


I've started to love my parorama on my iPhone. It took what could have been a boring uninteresting picture & made it feel like you are in it!!
We had a lovely (exhausting) day there, but it was such good fun. Again, it was an Easter Hunt but we had to find bunnies this time & write down their names!! Was awfully tricky for little kids, but they still managed it & got a Lindt bunny at the end!! Not bad, I was expecting a cheap naff chocolate egg for about 20p!!

It was hard going for 'Little Bit' with his knees, they still hurt him now & then, but he did really well. We let 'Big Boyo' have the camera for the outing! Which then left us with some interesting pictures!! (Mostly of my ass bottom as he was at the back a lot!!)

He caught the interest of a proper photographer. A man with all the gadgets in his bag & a fantastic camera, watched Dhylan take an arty picture of huge fungi, then he went back to take the same picture!! Ah, this could be the start of another blipper!!

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