Jay Bee Day Lee Foe Tee

By jackblack


When I joined Blip a year ago I had no idea that I'd still be here after 365 days (I've not managed all 365 without a gap but I've done my bestest!)
I have progressed slowly from my little "point and shoot" to my Olympus E-520 (on auto, then A and now fully Manual!!! :o )

I also have my SmartPhone set up to Blip ..... this is no mean feat for me as I am not exactly a technowizard.

I love looking through everyone's journals but really must make an effort to comment more! Especially since a lot of you make the effort to comment on my photos, and that is much appreciated.

If you'd told me a year ago that I would quite happily get up early on a Sunday and head off to stand in a field to take photos of one steam engine, then get in the car and go to stand on a station platform for another photo opportunity I may well have laughed in your face. Not today.
Today I wanted something worthy of a 365 entry!

I even managed a bit of poncing on the platform ;-)

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