Wednesday Morning 3 A.M.

By meganmacdonald

A moment

Today was the most beautifully sunny day and a friend and I went blipping (check out her journal - for a couple of hours along the Water of Leith.

Unfortunately, because I am a prat, I didn't realise I had my camera on the wrong setting so half of my photos weren't all that great. I chose this one though because the couple were so unbelievably cute - makes you believe in all that 'love lasts a lifetime' stuff when you see people like that.

Saw Kat and Rosa on their rollerblades this afternoon; wish I'd taken the camera and got a shot of Rosa teetering across the cobbles on her blades.

One slight downfall of this weather is that I may have 'caught' hayfever as my right eye was silently weeping alone all of today. And yes, I know you can't 'catch' hayfever but I've never had it before and have no idea what else it could be... Pretty sure all those who saw me with mascara smeared on my chin thought I was a heartbroken mess.

School tomorrow.. I feel physically ill at the thought of it.

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