Plot 17

By plot17

A Slave's Grave in Scotland

I took a trip to Rosneath, partly to go to Kilarden, an open garden noted for its rhododendrons, and also to have a poke around the old kirkyard. I researching my family history, I've discovered a lot of the Mcfarlanes were originally from there.

But rather than give you more pictures of flowers and family headstones I though I would show you this one, supposed to be the only slave's grave in Scotland.

The top half reads: ROBERT STORY A native of Western Africa in early life torn from home & sold in Rio de Janeiro as a slave; there for his good fidelity he was set free by his Master. Whom loving, he followed to this Country and who retains the most grateful remembrance of his faithful services.

The rest is more difficult he read but he died in 1848. More information is here: A Slave's Grave

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