
By cowgirl

Just catchin' some rays!

As Sav slept off his night shift I got to grips with the weeds among the strips of box trees planted infront of the houses all along the row we live in. Started at No. 36 ( the end of the row ) and cleared all the way along to No. 30. Doesn't sound much but it took me about 3 hours!

Sav got up and made scones, as promised, then at about half past 3 he announced we were going on a trip, packed up the scones, jam, cream and a flask of tea, told me to get my camera and we were off.

It was a mystery tour for me, but I wasn't fussed about knowing where we were going, quite happy listening to Johnny Walker's Sounds Of The 70's with the promise of a cream tea at the end of it.

We ended up at ... Bristol Airport - not in the usual area tho. We drove round to the far side of the runway, where you can park up and watch the planes take off. I was amazed how many people were there already.

Inbetween planes I was admiring the surrounding scenery ( after scoffing my cream tea of course ) when I spotted this sheep enjoying the sunshine! I've never seen a sheep roll on purpose before, but she was definately in control and got up a few seconds after I snapped her. Those heavy wool coats must be really annoying, bet she can't wait for shearing day!

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