my crazy world

By crazyworld

My dream car !!

Okay maybe not this colour but what I would do for a camper van is prob not worth knowing!! One day when my numbers come up !!

Had such a good day after yesterday. Reflected a lot about yesterday an realised I can only affect my own one elses...I did know this but I think yesterday this knowledge jus escaped me for a while!

I have only ever been good friends to people others act an or react is up to them an I can't take responsibility for them.

Today started quiet ....went to a local car boot fair then came home had lunch then a really good friend popped round an had a good chat then started some major gardening. We ripped out a fence ...started to cut down a tree that's shading the whole of my garden ...really transformed my garden...while the kids all played together an while I realised that this is what real friends are ....where you can jus be yourself.

Thanks to all of you for your positive vibes really are all stars.

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