It just sort of clicked.

By shaunm

Get off the line Bobby!

My day started off at 5 am... I was awakened by lots of noise from the street. Someone was trying to start a car and then someone shouted out "Oi! what are you doing!?" which then set dogs off barking. My first thought was that someone was trying to steal a car (my car possibly!) so I legged it out the door and looked up the road... I heard this object rolling towards me and looked down to see a lipstick tube thingy! It was then that I heard arguing followed by a blood curdling scream, it was horrible so I phoned the police (as did someone else). They also sent an ambulance I think 'just in case'... later on when I left for work there were three police cars including a van that were all around my car... trying to drive off without scraping any of them was tricky!

Everybody is ok apparently... they are still trying to find out what happened. I had two police officers call by at lunchtime to take a statement from me (she somehow managed to write two full pages from my story!). Later on I saw my neighbour repairing his garage roof.. turns out the lead was stolen from it last night!

After all this it was another running day at the club today... went up for a few hours and then came back to work on my train again. (I have found a mistake in one of my circuits... I'm not sure it explains the problem I was having last year.. but it certainly didn't help!)

This lad (the one who is attached to the arm & flag in this blip) was doing the signalling and one chap was running out of steam on the points so the boy had to hold out a red flag whilst he waited to change the points back for the passenger train. The driver wasn't that impressed because he had a full load and it was a steep incline. But the poor lad was doing his best... not like he stopped the train for the sake of it!

Anyway, it reminded me of the scene from the Railway Children :)

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