just allan

By allan

Catch the Pigeon!

The family relaxing in Edinburgh Botanic Gardens as Malcolm chases a pigeon past. We had a lovely day out in advance of Duncan's birthday, with Auntie Laura and Jonathan as well as Grandpa Jim who came over from Dumfries.

Train to Waverley, Boots Meal Deals in Princes St Gardens south east, then the Science Festival on The Mound and on to St Andrews Square. After some splashing and coffee, John Lewis for toys and a failed attempt to buy Duncan a camera. Then down Broughton Street to the Botanics and a bit of a sit down. Duncan loves the Chinese Gardens so we went there. Then on to our favourite Pizza Express in Stockbridge, on the way seeing dippers in the Water of Leith and admiring the Gormley under the bridge. We waited to get an outside seat and had a ball. But time had moved on and our last train was at 8pm, so we eventually got a taxi to the station.

Bikes from home to the station, and bikes back again. The children were exhausted but we made it =)

Lots more on Flickr.

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