Guinea Pig Zero

By gpzero

A Birthday Among The Dead

Several local friends have birthdays within a few days of each other, and they celebrate each year in Woodlands Cemetery. I took this shot early in the gathering, but before I left, there were about fifty picnickers on hand, plus at least eight dogs, some Marzipan cats (on cupcakes) and a few little children picking dandelions. Leaning against the granite slab is a photo of Ida C. Craddock, who lies buried on the other end of the graveyard and was mentioned in yesterday's blip. I made an impromptu lecture about her life.

This event has been kissed by good weather for all of the five or six years it has been held. I went to last year's gathering and it was smaller but just as happy. This cemetery serves as a great park (one of its purposes in the 19th Century), and I always feel better for coming to it.

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