jeni and the beans

By themessymama


It has been a difficult day, not awful like last week but just ... well, the feeling of needing to be sick never really went away. After last night's late night - the screaming was because while taking Ben's t-shirt off, one of the buttons managed to scrape its way across his face leaving a horrible white raised welt. Steve put some witch hazel on but of course that stings like nothing else to begin with and Ben really really really needed his mummy. His face is completely better today though. - Anyway after the late night Ben slept in until 9am when the lure of Grandad making breakfast for him was just too much and he clambered out of bed leaving me to relax for a bit.

Ben and Grandad headed out to town after watching the Gruffalo a couple of times because Grandad left his pyjamas on the bed back at home and needed something to wear at night; and I had a bath in the peace and quiet. Then it was lunchtime and then it was time to go off into Steyning for me to see the new diabetic nurse there for my annual diabetic review, while Ben took Grandad to the playpark to enjoy some sunshine.

(Annual review was fine, it's basically paperwork - at least it feels that way, I'm looked after more in detail by the team at the hospital rather than at what was our local surgery. New nurse is very nice and all that, I'm sure she'll relax into her job eventually! She's just different, and rather earnest, and new. But I've ticked all the boxes that say I don't need following up for anything in particular that I'm not already being followed up for, so that's good.)

It really has been another beautiful day here. Warm and sunny with a warm breeze too, another Summer day. The play park in Steyning is a nice place, surrounded by greeness. The giant lawnmower was deployed today so Ben was more interested in that than playing on the swings, and when I arrived there was another little boy - also called Ben, it turned out - who was more interested in my camera and the contents of my bag than playing on anything and eventually his mum had to come and tear him away!

This picture reminds me so much of one of the very first blips I blipped. In fact it was the first. Happy memories of summertime playing with his grandad.

I won't go into detail about the rest of the day, I've not felt very well (must remember, don't leave thinking about food until I'm actually hungry because it Just Doesn't Work.) but dinner was a success - rolled pork belly stuffed with apple and sage and onion, with yummy plain mashed potato and carrots and broccoli and gravy. Steve and Dad did very very well. It was gorgeous. And Ben discovered that he liked broccoli!! How about that. Incredible.

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