
By TeeJay


Apparently if I'm really quiet I could see the little people come out to play in the sunshine.

I guess Kiwilizzie and I were too noisy on our fungi hunt because we didn't meet any of them. However, I did take nearly 150 photos of various forms of nature. Being somewhat critical of my own work, I'm not truly happy with a single one of them. I wanted to get the frilled edges showing on fungi but can't seem to get the exposure quite right. Definitely need to buy myself that macro lens for Christmas (though whether I can wait that long remains to be seen).

It's a hard choice on what to blip today - from traditional fairy toadstools, little critters waving at me from the top of more common mushrooms, beech tree growths, mosses and lichens, the sun on leaves or the scratches on my foot from the blackberry I tripped over (ouch!). In the end a very mature process of 'ickle, ockle, black bottle' chose this one.

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