Thurr be dinosaurs...

This is a shipwreck on the dinosaur beach at the isle of wight. I took pictures of the dinosaur footprints too, it's just hard to make them look impressive on a photo.

Mr Nut had a grand day; first a trip on a big boat; then a walk to see a lighthouse (it was an oblisk but he was quite certain it was a lighthouse) then a trip to see a WINDMILL. He loves windmils and knows all about them (they go round and round and round) though I'm not sure where he learnt all this. The windmill was next to a tiny airfield so while looking out of the window he saw a helicopter take off which id about as good at it gets for nuts.

After we managed to leave (it too several attempts as he kept running back in, I think he was full prepared to live there) we went to some gardens (for icecream time) and then to the dinosaur beach. I was pleased I put his beach crocs on so he could splash so he ran straight into a deep puddle to show me while I was a fool. He was a bit upset, but I had my jumper with me, because thats what mamas jumpers are for (Daddies jumpers are too big, and too in the car).

Impressively he had a short nap and then refused to go to sleep on the ferry back so went to bed past ten. Rock n roll.

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