
By lhr

Costco Daytrip...

Today I met up with my friend Laura from uni. It's been ages since I last saw her (my graduation in July to be exact) so it was great to catch up. Laura is a Costco fiend, so this afternoon my Mum and I went to Costco (followed by Ikea) with Laura and her Mum. Great times! Each time we go to Costco, Laura and I take a photo of ourselves doing something in store - we don't know why, but it's just good fun. So here is Laura modelling this beautiful Bosch lawnmower. I think she does a cracking job.

Whilst driving on my way to Costco to meet Laura, some stupid woman in a 4x4 nearly hit my car. She cut across onto my lane whilst on a roundabout, which I could kind of see happening in slow motion. I've not long had my car (about 4 months or so) and so I couldn't find my horn to alert the dafty that I was infact there. In the process, I somehow managed to bruise my nail (?!) and so was feeling rather sorry for myself! Nevermind, no-one was hurt.

This evening my brother came for tea, and we played Guitar hero - I think I rocked more than him, but I expect to see a comment suggesting otherwise!

Hope everyone had a good weekend!

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