What Eye Spy

By Snappybiatch


Like a butterfly pinned and mounted
I lie motionless, in mock repose
Rigid fingers locked cagelike
across my churning stomach

The thin taste of metal on my tongue
As suction wand is fish hooked onto lip
Extracting saliva to whirlpool down
a gleaming, gurgling china bowl

Reek of antiseptic fills nose and throat
An array of electric mini-suns dazzle me
Pink potassium permanganate solution
Stands beside probe, syringe and clamp

He looms from the glaring light
A curious, latex clad finger explores
Stretches my gaping mouth yet wider
to tuck wadding under numbed lip

Clamp is tightened on molar
Angle mirror inserted, reflects the
dull glint of steel as sickle hook
Scrapes tooth and prods gum

No spit, I gulp in dry reflex action
as spatula flattens tongue
Slowly he injects the fine needle
Provoking involuntary tears

Helpless, mute - irrational fear
Rises from gut as the high whine
Of drill grates on raw nerve
He draws nearer - then a voice

How's the family. Any holidays planned?

Carole Bone

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