
By devon

Exhaustion Prevails

Back from my Fernie Freeski competition. First big mountain ski competition, first time in Fernie, and first time on different skis. I learned so much and pushed myself so hard it was unbelievable. Had control issues up top on the first day, but still managed to end up 9th place. Day 2, perfect line, then hit a tree near the very end, which put me out of the competition. For the finals I got a media pass and took photos that will hopefully be published. Now, back at home, exhausted after one of the craziest weeks of my life. Here's video of Day 1, Day 2 and Day 3 if you're interested.

Quote of the week:
"I don't think of this competition as being me against you, I think of it as me against the mountain." - Ross Janzen

Missed blips while away:
February 18 - Poured
February 19 - Warped Piggy
February 20 - Departing Eclipse
February 21 - Dialed In
February 22 - Group Chill
February 23 - Blayne Air

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