
By Viewpoint

Dandelion Time

Now I need to go back into the garden and capture the seeds before they spread everywhere. I'm using blip as an act of prevarication at the moment instead of doing my expenses so I will do them shortly promise. Also I've been awake for much of the night with a cold and horrible cough so I might not manage a blip later. (However, I don't feel too bad now as I think upright is much better than lying.) I'm not sure whether I'll make it to the photo club tonight, doubtful I think.

I probably could have merged these two shots a little better but I'll stick with it for now. I used the lensbaby with an f22 aperture and a 10+ macro lens as an experiment to see whether I could achieve a sharpe image (I don't have a dedicated macro lens.) Does blipping count as work?

OK, back to the things I must do now, or is it lunchtime?

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