
By Amalarian


Bereft of ideas, we set off for the river where there is always some action on a day like this. Ducks, geese, cormorants, seagulls, people. Niente, nada, nothing. Drove to a villa with enormous gates with giant eagles on top of the gate posts. Eagles in darkness, the rest of the gate blasted with sun. Home to find a wild flower but on the way passed, yet again, my favourite barn. It isn't in glorious ruins as some are but in very good shape and obviously used and not as a barn. It's a typical barn with the air vents but it's smaller than most.

I couldn't straighten the barn and keep the house straight. The picture was shot from the car with another car beeping his horn behind us.

Update: I really couldn't stand the sight of that barn because the picture was crooked and it was shot from a bad angle. So I've put up the first rose bud of the year instead. I shook it to get the pollen off but a little bit remains, only seen in large.

I put the barn here: Tuscan barn.

For the record: + 19 C. Sunny and windy. Humidity 43%. Pollen falling in visible sheets down the hill. I never thought I'd say this, but I wish it would rain.

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