I've spent far too long trying to decide which image I liked best today.
All the same bee.
In flowers. Out of flowers. Dropping pollen. Beeing Busy.
This one was one of the least sharp, but most different shots.
I've changed the image twice, and it just gets silly!
Does it really matter??
I suffer indecision with outfits too. Usually when time is of the essence.
I get ready to go out. I've chosen the clothes. I've looked in the mirror at all levels of readiness, so have hardly taken myself by surprise at any point from the bra onwards. Then, just as the front door is about to close behind me (and the alarm's been set!) I think 'NO WAY can I go out looking like THIS. How could I possibly have thought THIS was acceptable?'.
Oh dear! (I know what this says about me too! Hmm.)
P.S. I shall probably be without the ability to comment until tomorrow or Friday.
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