The Problem with Haar

While the rest of the country basks in sunshine today, here on the east coast, close to the water we had a day blighted by haar. Its a strange phenomen which you can literally, on some days, watch slowly inching inland turning a fine day or evening into a cold miserable one. You know the sun is up there and you are just waiting for the wind to change or the sun to burn through

Today the haar was in evidence from first light (well I noticed it at 7am!) and while the sun made a brave effort it never quite managed to gain control. As I was driving home across the bridge you could see the pockets of haar, low lying and gathered on the water. Above it the sun was bright and the sky clear.

This is a view from Fife where in the evening the haar had lifted but the city centre was still blighted. Dismal

No work for 5 days. To say I am delighted would be an understatement. Have a good Wednesday

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