Tales from St Ives

By Derekhallstives

Strange mornings

I had an unexpected phone call yesterday afternoon

BBC Radio Cornwall phoned to say they are doing a series on sheds this week (National Shed Week !) and one of their interviewers had seen our studio being built when we did a Lifeboat interview, so could they come down & do a live broadcast this morning to air on BBC Radio Cornwall at 8:20. What could I say ?

So at 7:50 Debbie McCrory from BBC Radio Cornwall turned up in the satellite van & half an hour later we are doing a 5 minute interview from one shed then up to the studio shed where Alison was playing guitar & in we went for the rest of the interview.

I didn't get to hear it but we had a text from a friend saying it went OK, and Debbie then recorder a longer interview with us which she edited down to 6 minutes or so for later broadcast & their podcast, during which I managed to get in a mention for the builder Tony and for the town band and for our new band The Vintage Chords (name TBC)

the interview is here as a 8 Mb MP3 for anyone interested

This is one of hte pictures we then took to go on the Radio Cornwall Website

A very strange, unexpected but Brilliant way to start the day - & debbie was a wonderful interviewer - THANKS DEBBIE

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