the bongo diaries

By billybongo

Fibonacci Spiral

Don't ever make the mistake of thinking that driving around Rotherham is like any other town. You know that thing where you can see where you want to be but you can't get to it. All the roads are either blocked off, no entries, no left turns, no right tuns, one way streets (the wrong way) ... everything, in fact, to get you as far from your destination as possible. Well, that's Rotherham.

Daughter Rose and I planned a trip to Clifton Park Museum slap bang in the centre of Rotherham. We could see the museum but the no entries ganged up on us and conspired to send us into three separate private car parks and a cul-de-sac. Finally we reached the museum with only twenty minutes left before leaving to collect Daughter Joanne for our tea-time rendezvous.

Feeling like we'd been in ever decreasing circles, we began to see spirals all around. Even the bannister rails echoed the Fibonacci Spiral.

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