I Don't Say That Word

I'm home now, after what was most definitely the most stressful traveling experience of my life. I solemnly swear to never deal with Amtrak again...After all I finally learned how to use the subways. Took me a year, but I think I've got it.

But I'm home<3. And missing my puppies who are on a vacation of their own like my parents. Can't wait to see them tomorrow.

Chilled with my cousment Katie today :) Bonding over stink bombs. Always solid. Saw Casey for a little but too!

Then I went to Macs, where this gem of a photo was taken. Then off course we went to Chicken And Rice.

"It's difficult to ever go back to the same places or people. You turn away, even for a moment, and when you turn back around, everythings changed."
-Gabrielle Zevin

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