Everyday Sfinx

By Sfinx

Reading Lady

Was invited to a workshop today on Nature guided therapy, and a part of it concerned the participants to do a mindfulness practice in the garden of SLU (an agricultural university)!

We sat about 25 people on pads in front of a pond, instructed to look up in the blue sky, then lowering our heads an taking in everything in our sight in a spirit of here-and-now awareness, slowly lowering our heads til we saw the pond below, looking at the reflections, closing our eyes, listening to every sound, opening our eyes again and the slowly raising our heads til we reached the sky again...

On the other side of the pond sat this lovely lady, seemingly totally unaware of the crowd sitting some 25 meters in front of her across the pond, silently moving their heads up and down...!

What a sight this little crowd must have been from her perspective, if she hadn´t been so totally absorbed by her book!

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