The Meldrum Michies

By meldrummichies

Creme Egg Conundrum

So I was mooching about the hoose trying to think of something to blip when I happened upon the pile of Ella's nursery Easter stash: colouring sheets, a card, some crisps cakes with mini eggs on top...and then this.

A slightly eaten-melty abandoned creme egg.

Food does not normally get abandoned in our hoose. To find an abandoned chocolate sweetie is something like finding the holy grail of abandoned food. But there's a problem. There's no reason as to why the creme egg has been abandoned. It doesn't appear to have anything wrong with fact, it appears that someone (a child, for no adult would make this mistake) has started to eat it and then decided they don't like it (again, must be a child because hello, it's chocolate and it's a creme egg and they're practically like a chocolate canape). Unfortunately, I can't ask anyone about it for fear of
a) hearing that it has been dropped on the floor and definitely been licked by the dog.
b) alerting the owner that their abandoned creme egg has been found and is about to be snaffled by mum.

This is a lose/lose situation. Do I eat the egg - I don't know that it has been definitely licked by the dog...
Do I leave the egg and then someone else will probably eat it or, horror of horrors, it'll be chucked in the, I can't even bring myself to say it - you know the rest.

It's like the chocolate krypton factor.

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