Baby Monochrome No 2

Our beautiful little boy, Logan, was born at 7.24am this morning weighing 7lbs 8oz (a little lighter than Aidan who was 7lbs 14.5oz) and 55.5cm long (Aidan was 57cm).

Its been a long day with me being a little peaky after the birth. Thankfully I only needed a drip and not a blood transfusion. Feeling much better tonight but Logan and I are spending the night here in hospital to recover.

Aidan visited this afternoon with both sets of grandparents and Uncle C. Aidan's currently not speaking to me. Hopefully this will change when we get home. He didn't seem interested in Logan either way, maybe this is because Logan slept for Aidan's entire visit! I'm sure it won't be long till I have two energetic wee boys to chase after.

I'd better enjoy my cup of tea and a lie down before the midwife and I tackle the BF and expressing again at 10pm. I remember when I had Aidan the midwife I had told me boys were 'greedy and lazy'. Thanks for the 'support'!!

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