
By Appreciation

Le Sac Magic

Today has been a give a little, take a little day. You know the ones where something wonderful is in the offing then something else happens to balance it out and level your mood.

Last night I was unsettled and stayed up researching the possibilities of a new lens. I thought I knew what I wanted. Later in bed, still restless, I changed my mind completely. I woke this morning primed to buy the baby, but everything was in the way. One shop couldn't even be bothered to check if they had it because well they weren't really the specialist, and even though they had a couple of lenses and hadn't even asked which one I wanted, I would have to go somewhere else! I was polite, but made the point that they could stuff it, I was taking my hard earned dollar somewhere else. Nae luck, even on line I would have to wait. I am impatient.

Walked along the canal with Scarlet and saw this. I love that there are so few colours in it. I wonder why the 'bumper' on these canal boats has to be so beautifully decorative. It reminds me of old ladies sitting crocheting them from rather large rope. Some resemble a bag complete with handles. I like to think of them as Le Sac Magic. Rosie and Jim would approve. I wonder what I would put in mine? Probably some decent customer service and perhaps a french fancy or two. Like I say, give a little, take a little. They would very likely be wet and perhaps a bit squashed.

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