Elwetritsches Welt

By Elwetritsche

Good Friday

No church bells are rung on Good Friday and tomorrow until Easter Vigil.

Our ministrants walk singing all over the town streets on Friday and Saturday and to make up for the missing bells they use wooden instruments (Kläppern or Ratschen).
The Kläppern and Ratschen make a lot of noise and make up very good for the quiet bells (it's said the bells fly to Rome/Italy on Thursday night until Saturday night).

Tomorrow afternoon the children will knock on our doors and receive presents like sweets and money for their commitment.

I took this (very bad quality) blip at 7:30 am through the window.
In large you can see the Kläppern (no Ratschen in this group).

5:55 pm 25,2°C

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