horns of wilmington's cow

By anth


Possibly my best Little Grebe shot yet, and that despite not having high hopes at all for anything approaching being useable due to the thick haar enveloping everything around the Figgy. But hey, the cat had woken me at 6am (she has the loudest purr, sitting on the bed seemingly happy that basically we're still alive) so I fed her and let her out and figured I'd give Mel a more peaceful lie-in.

The haar was escaped for a short while with a spin to the Megget and Talla reservoirs, which brought some looooooverly sunshine. All I'm doing now is waiting for the weekly shop to be delivered, and struggling to understand how the hell I set up direct transfer from my new Eye-Fi X2 memory card to my iPhone (since they announced a few days ago it was finally possible, and a friend of mine has tried it out, and it's something I'd been waiting for before investing).

Other bird shots:

The Black Backed Mob (almost blipped)
The first Figgy ducklings of the year
Defensive Mother
My first ever Wheatear photo
Airborne Sand Martin

And there was also a tiny bunny (they appear to have burrows into the earth dam at Megget).

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