surely you can see

By petergarver

There is a line from Road Trip (a truly great dumb movie - they are rare, but it is one) that I think about a lot. The line itself is rather...impolite, but you can see it here if you'd like. If not, I can tell you that one character is telling another that he's always thinking to much and not living instinctively enough (how's that for sanitizing it?).

Anyway, I think about it a lot because it certainly applies to me, and except for his drug problem, I'm probably a lot like that guy in the movie. Taking pictures is the first thing that has ever really been able to pull me away from overthinking everything. And of course I overthink the pictures after I take them, but only after. (I also don't overthink music, but that's more of a passive thing).

But I still overthink them! And that's why earlier this evening, professor fiend gave me the assignment of not overthinking and doubting everything and just taking pictures for a month.

So I'll do it - there may be hope for me yet. And hey - I didn't think about this picture at all. (I did completely change it, though, about an hour after I posted the first one - but I didn't think about that, either!)

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