Lali's World

By Lali

Story beginnings 8

"She went inside the abandoned farmhouse. Her first impression was of disappointment, since she had expected to find all sorts of old furniture and objects inside, which really fascinated her, but there was nothing, it was empty. She waited. This was the place where they had arranged to meet. She hoped that nobody had seen her on her way there...

She heard a noise. Where was that noise coming from? She couldn't really tell. She looked around her but saw nothing. Probably a mouse... a door creaked now. That must be Paul, she thought. Again, nothing, nobody... Maybe, she should go..."

A bit of a scary one today.

I was off today. It was very misty, I think it was that "haar" my friend was talking about the other day. So, not a great day wheatherwise, but it was good not to be at work. I went to the gym to recharge my energy levels and relax in preparation for the busy weekend at work coming up. So feeling good now, and my cold is much better as well.

On the shower front, bad news, again!!!! When everything was just about to start getting sorted, now the stupid neighbours downstairs are just being awkward and difficult. They're simply not allowing the works to start. If I have a mind, on Monday, if they're open, I'll go and speak to them and tell them a few things. I've just had enough!!!!

Thanks very much again for all your nice comments. I hope you're all having a happy Easter, at least a better one than mine! :)

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