Bernadette's Vision

By Bernadette

Chicken Run

Today my Dad and BF finished the new chicken run. Since we can't trust the dogs with the chickens and they can only be out for a few hours a day, we built this run. Now they will have all day outside in the pen with their normal break to roam the 2 acres.

Also this week my BF set up some used Thermal Water Heaters on the chicken coop roof to heat the dome pond for the winter. It's been tested and with a couple of tweeks and insulation we should be set when October hits.

As for me, I've been planting and harvesting the dome like a mad woman. Most of my outdoor startings have had to be replanted in bigger pots. Lettuce, spinach and radish have been a great addition to meals daily. I just got back from getting more soil to start my potatoes and sweet potatoes in. I'm out of room in the dome, tomorrow I will blip it. Just cleared some beets out and need to collect seeds from carrots before I pull more out.

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