
By Appreciation


Where would we be without them? This one fits so well into our family we hardly notice he is here. He is so comfortable around us that he has been known to fart in the lounge! A charming boy thing. He is a good influence on my boy, as he likes to shower at least once a day and he is always concerned with his grooming and image.

I had several tentative plans for my blip today but several other factors have gotten well and truly in the way this week. The dreich, dismal rain of today put paid to any other plans I had. The boys dropped in for half an hour between shopping and cinema and I cornered them. It's early days, but this new lens is impressive. It is so clear and sharp and the colours are magnificent.

Would I have made that statement 200 days ago without a yawn in the background? Who knows. What I do know is that I am loving the focus that blip gives me, although perhaps I could spend a little less time on the computer. I am surprised by the friendships I have found here. It was never something I thought I would get out of it, but like a mother hen, I love to check out how 'my brood' are doing.

So, (in Joey from Friends type voice) - How you doin'?

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